It's Revolutionary!

What is It’s Revolutionary!?

So much! Tar Heel Junior Historian magazines, an upcoming Educator Notebook, videos, Online Teacher Workshops, a History-In-a-Box kit, and more—all resources and programs to bring history to life for students, educators, and families in North Carolina and beyond as we explore our revolutionary past during the 250th anniversary of those times. 

The North Carolina Museum of History is producing a series of films for the upcoming 250th anniversary of the American Revolution.

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Who is It’s Revolutionary!?

We hope that you are part of this exploration, too. Do the resources help you understand what life was like for people who lived here in the years leading up to and during the Revolution? Can you better appreciate how difficult it was for some people to know whether to support the conflicting positions of the period? And how others believed they had few options at all?

We hope It’s Revolutionary! helps you see that the past not only affects our today and tomorrows, but that you are making history, too! Explore the It’s Revolutionary! projects—some in place, and others coming soon.

We are grateful to the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati for their support of the North Carolina Museum of History Foundation for It’s Revolutionary!

North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati